15 November 2009

so we played in a sleepy old town called metz in france. we didn't think much of it until we got back to the bar to play our show and the promoter of the show -flo- had some friends make a stage backdrop for our performance. and it was the bomb. there were flying eyeballs, a crazy alien eyeball man that somehow was actually a light, a door to a labrynth of eyes, mystical leaves and branches & twinkling lights. needless to say we felt right at home. and we tried to figure out a way to cram the alien eyeman into our luggage, but alas he lives in metz still (we did take a few eyeballs though to guide us thru the alps) we were told by flo that metz was one of the first cities to have an official satanic church. as soon as we got there i felt the weirdness and i told matteah. once we found out some of the folklore matteah looked at me and said you knew it!



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